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You can find our previous Sustainability Reports and Interim Reports as PDF files here, alongside our commitments, policies and strategies, and our procurement policies for sustainable raw materials, in all available languages. With this, we wish to give you comprehensive and transparent insight into our sustainability engagements.

Interim Report 2022

ALDI Nord Interim Report 2022 (PDF)

Sustainability Report 2021

ALDI Nord Sustainability Report 2021 (PDF)

ALDI Nord Sustainability Report 2021

Interim Report 2020

ALDI Nord Interim Report 2020 (PDF)

ALDI Nord Interim Report 2020

Sustainability Report 2019

ALDI Nord Sustainability Report 2019 (PDF)

ALDI Nord Sustainability Report 2019

Interim Report 2018

ALDI Nord Interim Report 2018 (PDF)

ALDI Nord Interim Report 2018

Sustainability Report 2017

ALDI Nord Sustainability Report 2017 (PDF)

ALDI Nord Sustainability Report 2017

Interim Report 2016

ALDI Nord Interim Report 2016 (PDF)

Sustainability Report 2015

ALDI Nord Sustainability Report 2015 (PDF)

Policies, purchasing policies and commitments

ALDI Nord CR Programmes 2022 (PDF)

Our national and international goals


ALDI Nord Sustainable Development Goals (PDF)

Our Engagement

ALDI Nord Climate Protection Policy (PDF)

Our contribution to a better climate

ALDI's International Recyclability Guideline (PDF)

ALDI Nord Water Protection Policy (Germany) (PDF)

Our most precious resource: water

ALDI Nord National Packaging Policy (Belgium/Luxemburg) (PDF)

Guideline for Local Food (PDF)

Guideline for the Prevention of Food Losses and Food Waste (PDF)

ALDI Nord Human Rights Policy Statement (PDF)

International Policy Statement for Human Rights (PDF)

Other languages

Position paper on Human Rights Due Diligence Legislation (PDF)

Other languages

International Policy on Gender Equality in ALDI’s Supply Chains (PDF)

Other languages

Gender Equality Action Plan 2021 (PDF)

International Child Labour Policy (PDF)

International Policy on Forced Labour (PDF)

International Position Statement on Living Wages and Living Incomes (PDF)

Other languages

GIZ Letter of Intent - Commitment by the German Retailers Working Group on Living Income and Living Wages (PDF)

Other languages

Human Rights Impact Assessment Report (HRIA): Wild Catch Fish & Seafood with Focus on Tuna (PDF)

Position Statement on Deforestation- and Conversion-free Supply Chains (PDF)

Other languages

ALDI Nord Detox Commitment (Englisch) (PDF)

Voluntary Commitment

ALDI Nord Detox Commitment Final Report 2020 (PDF)

Responsible and environmentally friendly production

ALDI Nord Detox Commitment Progress Report 2018 (PDF)

Responsible and environmentally friendly production

Other languages

ALDI Nord Detox Commitment Progress Report 2017 (PDF)

Responsible and environmentally friendly production

ALDI Nord Detox Commitment Progress Report 2016 (PDF)

Responsible and environmentally friendly production

Other languages

ALDI Factory Advancement (AFA) Project (PDF)

Insights & Results

Main production facilities of ALDI Nord‘s suppliers (PDF)

Transparency for our customers

Other languages

Purchasing Policy (PDF)

ALDI Nord International Animal Welfare Purchasing Policy

Purchasing Policy (PDF)

ALDI Nord International Cocoa Purchasing Policy

Purchasing Policy (PDF)

ALDI Nord International Coffee Purchasing Policy

Purchasing Policy (PDF)

ALDI Nord International Cotton Purchasing Policy

Purchasing Policy (PDF)

ALDI Nord International Flowers and Plants Purchasing Policy

Purchasing Policy (PDF)

ALDI Nord International Palm Oil Purchasing Policy

Purchasing Policy (PDF)

ALDI Nord International Tea Purchasing Policy

Purchasing Policy (PDF)

ALDI Nord International Timber Purchasing Policy

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