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Optimising packaging and energy efficiency – ALDI Belgium and ALDI Luxembourg

Optimising packaging and energy efficiency – ALDI Belgium and ALDI Luxembourg

ALDI Belgium and ALDI Luxembourg take a holistic view of sustainability, from sustainable packaging to food waste, and from renewable energy strategies to promoting healthy nutrition.

For more information about ALDI Belgium and ALDI Luxembourg, please visit the country profiles in our Sustainability Report 2021.

ALDI Belgium in profile

Regional companies 7
Stores 447
Total ALDI employees
Year of market entry 1976

ALDI Luxembourg in profile

Regional companies
Stores 18
Total ALDI employees 191
Year of market entry 1991

Progress on national goals 2022

Customer & Product


Description and scope

Status 2022 & next steps


50% of PET beverage packaging made from recycled material by 2024

By end of 2021, 25% of our PET beverage packaging will be made from recycled PET. By end of 2024 this will be 50%.

In progress. Average of 20% rPET (PCR) or 23% rPET (PCR and PIR) in PET beverage bottles.

SDG 12

Rollout of the reusable bag for fruit and vegetables in all stores in Belgium and Luxemburg in 2023

Reusable bags for fruit and vegetables.

Goal achieved. The reusable bag was introduced in April 2023. 

SDG 12

Rollout of the reusable bag for bread and pastries in all stores in Belgium and Luxembourg in 2022

Reusable bag for bakery products.

Goal achieved. The reusable bag was introduced in April 2023. 

SDG 02

Label 1,000 own-brand products with the Nutri-score nutritional label in Belgium and Luxembourg in 2022

Own-brand products in assortment.

Goal achieved. 1,128 products labelled by the end of 2022.

SDG 02

By end of 2022, 100% of our meat products should have an ALDI Transparency Code

Labelling of all own-brand products containing at least 5% meat with the ATC code (fresh meat, canned meat, chilled and frozen meat products, and prepared meals).

In progress. 94,4% of our meat products were labelled with the ALDI Transparency Code by the end of 2022. This is an increase of 5% compared to the previous year.

23% increase in the total of Belgian and Luxembourg stores that have a collaboration with charity foundations or food banks and make food donations on a weekly basis by end of 2023 (end of 2022: 297 stores (67%) - 366 stores (80%) planned in 2023)

Belgian and Luxembourg stores.

New goal. 297 stores (67%) had a collaboration with charity foundations or food banks, and made food donations on a weekly basis by the end of 2022.

SDG 12
Climate & Environment


Description and scope

Status 2022 & next steps


35% increase in the number of Belgian and Luxembourg stores with solar panels by end of 2022 (base year 2021)

Increasing the ratio of ALDI stores equipped with photovoltaic systems through continuous expansion.

Goal not achieved. We have 127 stores with solar panels (111 in 2021), an increase of 14%.

SDG 07

10% increase in stores with heat recuperation technology by end of 2022 (2021: 141 stores – around 15 planned in 2022)

Introduction of heat recuperation technology in more stores, leading to the elimination of natural gas for heating, reducing CO2 emissions.

Goal achieved. We have 164 stores with heat recuperation (141 in 2021), an increase of 16%.

SDG 07

45% increase in stores with CO2 refrigeration technology by end of 2022. (2021: 44 stores – around 20 planned in 2022)

Introduction of CO2 refrigeration technology in more stores, leading to the elimination of synthetic coolants and replacement with natural coolants, reducing CO2 emissions.

Goal achieved. We have 67 stores with heat recuperation (44 in 2021), an increase of 52%.

SDG 07

Installation of 130 electric charging points for vehicles on the grounds of the distribution centres and headquarters in Belgium in 2022

Introduction of electric charging stations, leading to more use of electric vehicles, reducing CO2 emissions.

Goal achieved. We have installed 130 electrical charging points.

SDG 07
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