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Netherlands: healthy nutrition starts early

Nutrition and health – Sustainability at ALDI North

Health is a hot topic in the Netherlands, where discussion centres on childhood and teenage obesity, among other concerns. With a strong partner at our side, we are tackling this issue.


According to a report from the Dutch health agency, obesity is one of the country’s greatest health risks. Approximately one in seven children in the Netherlands is overweight. Our childhood and teenage years shape our tastes and behavioural patterns. When it comes to healthy nutrition, not only is it important what kind of example is set for children at home and at school, but also what options they find in restaurants and supermarkets. As a food retailer, we believe that we have a responsibility to help promote a healthy lifestyle.

To assist us with this, we sought out an expert on the topic in the Netherlands. We recently began partnering with the JOGG foundation (Jongeren Op Gezond Gewicht – “Getting children & teenagers to a healthy weight”) to help children and teenagers become familiar with wholesome food. We also want to reach adults in their environment, particularly parents and teachers. At the moment, we are cooperating closely with the foundation to plan a joint campaign that we hope will inspire families with children to make healthy nutritional choices. The partnership is still in its infancy and will run until the end of 2020. We will keep you posted on our joint measures!

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