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GRI Content Index

The Sustainability Report 2017 of the ALDI North Group was prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core Option published by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The GRI Content Index provides an overview at a glance. Selected content and performance indicators for the year 2017 were the subject of an assurance engagement by the independent audit firm Flottmeyer Steghaus + Partner. They are identified by the checkmark ✔.

GRI 102: General disclosures 2016

Name of the organisation

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Name of the organisation

ALDI Einkauf GmbH & Co. oHG on behalf of ALDI North


Activities, brands, products and services

More sustainable product range – Our approach
Corporate governance – Our Responsibility

Any national bans on certain products or product components explicitly referred to in the Sustainability Report will be mentioned individually in the text.

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Location of headquarters

Essen, Germany


Location of operations


Ownership and legal form


Markets served


Scale of the organisation

Corporate governance

Information on total capitalisation is treated confidentially. Therefore, no disclosures have been made beyond the statutory requirements.


Information on employees and other workers

Attractive employer – proportion of employees by employment contract
Diversity and work-life balance – Number of employees by employment type

Agency workers are only used to a limited extent (0.5 percent). ALDI North strives to achieve long-term employment relationships. There are no seasonal variations in employment.

This information is based on a group-wide data request for the purposes of the Sustainability Report, which has been aggregated across all regional and buying companies at both national and group level. The data was valid as at 31 December; some disclosures are stated as percentages. For any further details and potentially different calculation methods, please refer to the relevant table. Inclusion threshold: only companies with over 50 employees were included in the data request.


Supply chain


Significant changes to the organisation and its supply chain


Significant changes to the organisation and its supply chain


External initiatives

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Membership of associations


GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Statements from senior decision-makers

Ethics and integrity

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Values, principles, standards and norms of behaviour

Check Icon – Nachhaltigkeit bei ALDI Nord
Stakeholder engagement

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


List of stakeholder groups

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Collective bargaining agreements


Identifying and selecting stakeholders

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Approach to stakeholder engagement

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Key topics and concerns raised

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Reporting practice

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Entities included in the consolidated financial statements

The publisher of the report is ALDI Einkauf GmbH & Co. oHG, Essen. The legally independent companies in the ALDI North group (not a group of consolidated companies) prepare their own financial statements.


Defining report content and topic boundariesg

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List of material topics

Check Icon – Nachhaltigkeit bei ALDI Nord


Restatements of information


Changes in reporting


Reporting period


Date of most recent report

Sustainability Report 2015: July 2016
Interim Report 2016: July 2017


Reporting cycle


Contact point for questions regarding the report


Claims of reporting in accordance with GRI Standards


GRI content index


External assurance

Subject of the report – Scope of the report and publisher

ALDI Einkauf GmbH & Co. oHG commissioned the independent auditing company Flottmeyer • Steghaus + Partner with the task of auditing selected report content and performance indicators.

GRI 200 Economic

GRI 204: Sourcing 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures

FP 2

Percentage of procurement volume certified according to recognised standards

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GRI FP: Animal welfare

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures

GRI 205: Anti-Corruption 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures


Impact: company, supply chain


Operations assessed for risks related to corruption

Operations are regularly assessed.

GRI 206: Anti-Competitive behaviour 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures


Impact: company, supply chain, customer


Legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust
and monopoly practices

We are not aware of any cases of anti-competitive behaviour or violations of anti-trust law committed by the ALDI North group.

GRI 300 Environmental

GRI 301: Materials 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures

Packaging & cycle
Food losses & other waste

Auswirkung: Unternehmen, Lieferkette, Kunde


Materials used by weight or volume

Packaging & cycle – Performance indicators
Food losses & other waste – Performance indicators
Customer contact & service quality– Performance indicators

The ALDI North Group operates in the retail industry. Goods are manufactured and packaged almost exclusively by suppliers. We are working with them to make resource procurement more sustainable.

Our customer magazine directly results in the consumption of paper. Since 2012, the customer magazine ALDI aktuell has been printed on FSC®-certified paper in all countries where ALDI operates. In Germany, the paper is also certified with the Blue Angel label.

The bags we give to our customers also lead to high levels of material consumption. In late 2017, we began the process of phasing out conventional disposable shopping bags in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.

GRI 302: Energy 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures


Energy consumption within the organisation

Mobility & logistics – Fuel consumption
Climate protection – Direct energy consumption
Climate protection – Direct energy consumption by source
Climate protection – Indirect energy consumption
Climate protection – Installed capacity of photovoltaic systems

Energy consumption was calculated on the basis of the conversion factors for the performance of energy audits as recommended by the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control.

We report energy consumption in megawatt-hours (MWh), a unit that is more widely used at the ALDI North Group. One megawatt-hour is the equivalent of 3.6 gigajoules (GJ).

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GRI 305: Emissions 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures

Mobility & logistics
Climate protection

Carbon offsetting is not a strategy pursued by ALDI North.

Impact: company


Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

Climate protection – Greenhouse gas emissions for Scope 1 and 2
Climate protection – Greenhouse gas emissions for Scope 1 and 2 by source 2016 & 2017

In accordance with the applied DECC/DEFRA emissions factors, CH4 and N2O were also included in the calculation alongside CO2. Emissions due to refrigerant losses were again calculated in accordance with the requirements of the EU Regulation on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases for all refrigerants and in line with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Sector Guidance 1.0 (2005). The method chosen to calculate carbon emissions (operational control) is based on the globally recognised WRI/WBCSD Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised Edition 2013).


Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

Climate protection – Greenhouse gas emissions for Scope 1 and 2
Climate protection – Greenhouse gas emissions for Scope 1 and 2 by source 2016 & 2017

This calculation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol using the DEFRA emission factors or GEMIS for emissions from the sourcing of district heating. According to the GHG Protocol, scope 2 emissions from power consumption are calculated separately according to location- and market-based emissions factors. Location-based methods are based on factors for certain geographic regions (such as a country), whereas market-based factors are – where possible – based on a company’s individual electricity using information about the emissions actually generated by the energy producer. Location-based greenhouse gas emissions are calculated according to factors published by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

See also 305-1

GRI 306: Effluents and waste 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures

Food losses & other waste

Impact: company, customers


Waste by type and disposal method

Food losses & other waste – Food donations
Food losses & other waste – Amount of waste in Germany
Food losses & other waste – Amounts of waste by methods of disposal

ALDI North carries out some waste disposal directly, while some information has been provided by waste disposal service providers. Residential waste is categorised by particular waste types on the basis of statistical data relating to the reuse of residential waste in Germany (Eurostat).

The waste disposal methods of landfill and on-site storage are not used.

GRI 308: Supplier environmental assessment 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures

Sustainable food purchasing practices
Sustainable standards in the non-food supply chain

There are currently two options for submitting complaints: either through amfori for production facilities or through the Supply Chain Initiative (SCI) for initiative members. More options are planned for the future.

Impact: supply chain


Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions

Sustainable standards in the non-food supply chain – Audit results
Sustainable standards in the non-food supply chain – ALDI Social Assessments introduced
Sustainable standards in the non-food supply chain – In focus: Sustainable Textiles Purchasing project
Sustainable standards in the non-food supply chain – Chemical management
Sustainable food purchasing practices – Progress and measures in 2017

We ensure that our suppliers comply with environmental standards through contractual obligations such as certification. Our suppliers are responsible for ensuring compliance.

Before effecting the purchase, we principally request each supplier (importer) to disclose the primary production facility to be commissioned; the current audit result of the production facility is then being analysed. Part of the audit focuses on negative environmental effects. The audit rate provides information on how many production facilities are covered by audits in risk countries The audit rate is just under 100 percent.

In addition, we expect all suppliers of clothing, home textiles and shoes to notify us of all production facilities that they use in their supply chains. Since July 2017 we have been required to complete an amfori BEPI Self Assessment for all production facilities, which includes environmental performance indicators. In the case of wet-processing facilities, we check whether a sludge and waste water analysis has been carried out. 

All producers of fruit and vegetables whose products are sold at ALDI North must be able to produce a valid GLOBAL G.A.P. certificate. Monitoring focuses in particular on the areas of waste and environmental management.

GRI 400 Social

GRI 403: Occupational Health & safety 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures


Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities

Occupational health & safety – Lost day rate

ALDI North collects data on the number of lost days throughout the group for each reporting year. There are no plans to collect or analyse any more detailed data at the current time.

GRI 404: Training and education 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures

Attractive employer

Impact: company


Average hours of training per year per employee

GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures


Diversity of governance bodies and employees

Attractive employer– Employees by field of work
Attractive employer– Employees by employment
Diversity and work-life balance – Introduction
Diversity and work-life balance – Woman in management positions
Diversity and work-life balance – Employees by field of work
Diversity and work-life balance – Employees by age groups
Diversity and work-life balance – Employees with disabilities

The management team at ALDI Buying comprised eight managing directors in the reporting year, none of whom were female. Seven of the eight managing directors were between the ages of 30 and 50; one managing director was over 50.

We collect data on the share of female employees by region, field of work (sales, warehouse, vehicle fleet, office, and upper and lower management) and management position. Data on age groups, nationalities and disabilities is not broken down any further as we do not consider this to be constructive.

GRI 407: Freedom of association and collective bargaining 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures

Attractive employer
Diversity and work-life balance
Sustainable standards in the non-food supply chain

Together, the mission statement, human resources (HR) concept and “real traders” leadership principles serve as a common basis for the HR activities.

Impact: company, supply chain


Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk

Sustainable standards in the non-food supply chain – Compliance with social standards in the supply chain
Sustainable standards in the non-food supply chain – ALDI Social Assessments introduced
Attractive employer – Proportion of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements

Collective bargaining agreements have been concluded at all company locations (with the exception of those in Poland, where collective bargaining agreements are generally not concluded).

See Non-Food key topic

Our suppliers are contractually obliged to comply with the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, which is based on the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) core conventions and the Union Nations’ (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights. During the amfori BSCI audit, we did not receive any information relating to violations of the right to freedom of association or the right to participate in collective bargaining negotiations

Following the severe fires and building collapses in Bangladesh in recent years, production facilities for clothing and home textiles in this country are a particular focal point. Moreover, violations of the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct are more frequent in Bangladesh than in other countries. As a result, suppliers operating in Bangladesh are subject to additional standards that go above and beyond amfori BSCI requirements and are audited by us.

GRI 412: Audit of humanrights compliance 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures


Significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening.

Our business partners are contractually obliged to comply with the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct. This is based on the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) core conventions and the Union Nations’ (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

GRI 414: Supplier social assessment 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures

Sustainable food purchasing practices
Sustainable standards in the non-food supply chain

There are currently two options for submitting a complaint: either through amfori for production facilities or through the Supply Chain Initiative (SCI) for initiative members. More options are planned for the future.

Impact: supply chain


New suppliers that were screened using social criteria

Sustainable standards in the non-food supply chain – ALDI Social Assessments introduced
Sustainable standards in the non-food supply chain – Sustainable Textiles Purchasing project
Sustainable standards in the non-food supply chain – Supplier qualification
Sustainable standards in the non-food supply chain – New International Flowers and Plants Purchasing Policy

Our resource-specific purchasing policies, our social standards in the supply chain and further binding regulations apply to both new and existing suppliers alike.

By using recognised external certification systems, we create the greatest possible transparency. Depending on the certification, the focal point may be reviewing and improving social practices or environmental components.

Example: The amfori BSCI Code of Conduct includes eleven central principles: the right of freedom of association and collective bargaining, no discrimination, fair remuneration, decent working hours, occupational health and safety, no child labour, special protection for young workers, no precarious employment, no bonded labour, protection of the environment and ethical business behaviour.


Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken

GRI 416: Customer health and safety 2016

GRI standards


Reference & additional information

External assurance


Management approach disclosures

Product quality

Impact: supply chain, company, customer


Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories

Product quality
Quality: all in a day’s work

Each product is scrutinised multiple times throughout the entire supply chain.

GRI 417: Marketing and labeling 2016
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