Interim report 2018 – Sustainability at ALDI North

Interim report 2018

Reducing packaging waste, safeguarding human rights, protecting the climate: Our current interim report shows the progress we achieved in 2018.

Continue to update 2018
“A lot is changing at ALDI. But what’s still the same is quality at ALDI prices –  and shopping with a good conscience.” – Sustainability at ALDI North

“A lot is changing at ALDI. But what’s still the same is quality at ALDI prices – and shopping with a good conscience.”

ALDI North customer

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“I’m proud of the work I do at ALDI. The change is exciting.” – Sustainability at ALDI North

“I’m proud of the work I do at ALDI. The change is exciting.”

Alexander Banikov, Store Manager

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“ALDI has made tremendous progress in recent years. But there is still work to be done.” – Sustainability at ALDI North

“ALDI has made tremendous progress in recent years. But there is still work to be done.”

Mahi Klosterhalfen, Board member, Compassion in World Farming

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  • Interim report 2018

  • ALDI North customer

  • “I’m proud of the work I do at ALDI. The change is exciting.”

  • “ALDI has made tremendous progress in recent years. But there is still work to be done.”

Highlighted improvements 2018

In 2018, we achieved great progress in our sustainability commitment once again. Apart from a more sustainable structuring of our product ranges, we dedicated our activities particularly to the topics of human rights and climate protection. Selected highlights in 2018 were:


products with EU organic logo – an increase of 28%



human rights policy statement was published for the ALDI North Group


Fairtrade certified own-brand products in our ranges – an increase of 23%


tonnes of CO₂ saved by using self-generated electricity. This is an increase of 55% compared to the previous year.

More than


ALDI Social Assessments were carried out – an increase of 64%


tonnes of plastic per year by delisting single-use plastic bags

What does ALDI CR-Support in Hong Kong do? – Sustainability at ALDI North

What does ALDI CR-Support in Hong Kong do?

With a 14-person team, we take steps right on the ground to ensure better working conditions in our supply chain.

Go to the interview with the site manager
Does the perfect apple exist? – Sustainability at ALDI North

Does the perfect apple exist?

If so, then our quality experts would certainly know what it is. After all, tastings are an integral part of their job.

Follow our experts through their day
How exactly are the textiles at ALDI made? – Sustainability at ALDI North

How exactly are the textiles at ALDI made?

The life of our garments often begins in a cotton field far away – which is the case for our baby bodysuit.

Learn more about the manufacturing process
What is ALDI North doing against food waste? – Sustainability at ALDI North

What is ALDI North doing against food waste?

Our fight against food waste starts in Purchasing and Logistics. We also systematically avoid generating food waste at stores.

Find out more about our rescue mission
What is ANIKo actually? – Sustainability at ALDI North

What is ANIKo actually?

ANIKo is making our stores more modern, brighter and more sustainable. Join us on a tour!

Learn more about it!
What makes a banana organic? – Sustainability at ALDI North

What makes a banana organic?

The deciding factor already comes down to cultivation practices in South America, where the organic banana’s challenging journey begins.

Learn more about it!
Animal welfare at a discounter – a contradiction in terms? – Sustainability at ALDI North

Animal welfare at a discounter – a contradiction in terms?

Not necessarily! We want to see change, which is why we are doing our part for greater animal welfare internationally as well.

More about our international efforts
Where do fish fingers come from? – Sustainability at ALDI North

Where do fish fingers come from?

From sustainable fishing – just like many other fish products at ALDI North. We are thereby helping to protect fish stocks.

Learn more about it!
What will replace the plastic bag? – Sustainability at ALDI North

What will replace the plastic bag?

An icon bows out. The new star: our reusable shopping bag.

Learn more about it!

Focusing on the essentials

We want our sustainability efforts to have the greatest possible impact. To make sure we are focusing on the right topics in management and reporting, we regularly identify the issues that are material to us. Find out what they are here:





Key topic

More sustainable product range

Key topic

Food losses & other waste

Key topic

Sustainable standards in the non-food supply chain

Key topic

Sustainable food purchasing practices

Key topic

Attractive employer

Data & standards

Performance indicators


Sustainable insights

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Sustainable insights – Sustainability at ALDI North

At a glance

We made tremendous progress with our commitment to sustainability in 2017. For example, customers can choose from a constantly growing selection of sustainable products in our range. Along the supply chain, we continued campaigning for better labour and social standards. An overview:

There are over


ALDI employees, more than 46,000 of whom are women.


27 %

of senior management and 42 per cent of store managers are women.

We have more than


products with the EU organic logo.


89 %

of the palm oil used in own-brand products has been certified as sustainable.

Target achieved:

we have developed our own inspection process for production facilities in Asia!

We generated roughly

22999 MWh

of electricity!

Target achieved:

the first International Timber Purchasing Policy was published!

75 %

of stores throughout the Group donated food – almost 10 per cent more than in 2016.

We carried out our


customer surveys on sustainability in five countries.

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